Time To Move On

When searching for a mortgage, how many times have you given your lender or broker a chance to overcome a miscue – or allowed them to redeem themselves by providing you with better service? You believed they were genuinely trying to help you. So – you decided to give them the benefit of the doubt once, maybe twice… but then you realized you should have trusted your instincts and found someone else right off the bat.
Do you stay the course at this stage? The next time you don’t see eye-to-eye, or you are not receiving the kind of attention you expect and deserve, save time by being upfront and honest with them!
Imagine applying for a mortgage in-person, and being given a detailed list of exactly what would be required for the underwriter to make their decision. You gathered and provided all of the items on the list, and were told that no further information would be needed – and that a decision would be forthcoming shortly. A week later, and without explanation, they send you a new list with 10 other items they would need to proceed (all of which were entirely new items with little connection to what you had already provided).
As seemingly crazy as the above example sounds, unfortunately in the mortgage industry this sort of thing can happen all the time. But it is the way in which it is communicated to you that matters the most – which boils down to the basics: experience and customer service.